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I'm a big 'ol Tech Geek

When I'm not writing scripts, I'm obsessing over the latest Tech! It's hard to say what came first, Tech or Filmmaking - Chicken or the egg! Yes, I do have a YouTube channel where I cover 'Personal Tech' that helps you make the most out of your 10 year old iMac, or if that new MacBook Pro is worth the upgrade! The Channel currently has over 800,000 views - even though I've abandoned recent uploads in favour of more screenwriting!

Before I worked in the Film/TV industry, I worked in the Tech industry. From a really young age actually. I won some awards which was cool. Honestly, my biggest accomplishment is probably assisting facilitation of 'Design Thinking' with the UCD Innovation Academy at the University of Malaya in 2018 when I was a third year college student. I hadn't even graduated and I was helping workshop over a 100+ Malay University Students and inspiring them. To this day, my Chinese Malaysian Dad is both proud and confused at how this came to be, since I was still a student!

© 2024 Lee-Loi Chieng

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